If someone trying to insult you | Insult Comebacks | Savage quotes | Mp3-Maza

If someone trying to insult you | Insult Comebacks 

If someone trying to insult you | Insult Comebacks | Savage quotes | Mp3-Maza

A: You are ugly.
B: Good, I'm trying to look like you.

A: You're ugly.
B: Bitch Please, my hair straightener is hotter than you.

A: You have a flat ass.
B: Yeah, almost as flat as your chest.

A: You look so fat! Look at me I'm so slim!
B: Yeah, pizza is way better than shrunken soggy french fries.

A: Loser!
B: I could eat a bowl full of alphabet soup and shit out a better insult.

A: What's wrong with you?
B: Want a list?

A: *Someone who keeps looking for chances to insult you.*
B: Wow, My name must taste really good. It's always 'in your mouth'.

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